5 Ways Solar Energy Can Save You Money

Looking to find new ways to save money?

Looking to find new ways to save money?

Everyone is looking for ways to save money on their home expenses.

From lowering the thermostat during the daytime to taking shorter showers, it seems like there are plenty of ways to cut your utility bills.

But at the end of the day, those little changes may not end up making as much of a difference as you might think.

Electricity rates change on a daily basis. And typically are at their highest during the summer months. So how can you lower your utility bill for good?

One of the best ways to ensure a lower energy bill is to examine your energy source. And if you’re thinking of changing your energy plan, we highly recommend looking at solar energy.

Here’s 5 ways solar energy can save you money:

1.Solar energy costs far less than traditional energy sources.

As of February 2020, the pricing of an average electric company in New Jersey was about 15 cents per kwh. Typical pricing for solar energy is around 0.04 cents per kwh.

Pretty drastic difference for solar energy rates!

Solar Me makes sure that no matter what happens with the economy, you’ll be using the cheapest form of electricity.

2. Have excess solar energy? Sell it back to the energy company.

Let’s say you made a batch of cookies. And without you realizing it, the recipe made an extra 5 cookies. You could save those extra cookies for later (especially if they’re chocolate chip) - but what if you sold them to a bakery instead?

Effectively, that’s how you can sell your stored excess solar energy back to the electricity company for cash. You can then use that money towards installation payments, put it towards other bills, the list goes on! 

Between that, and the savings you’ll make each month from using cheaper energy, you’ll see quite the dip in your monthly bills.

3. Reduced energy bills year round - and cut the summer spike

As the summer temperatures begin to climb, so do energy bills.

With solar energy, the summer months end up being your biggest cash cow. Your solar panels soak up all that good energy, and either use it in your household, or store it for later use. 

So you can either keep paying for traditional energy each month, and be subject to season spikes, or you can invest in solar powered energy and save money throughout the year.

4. Increase your home value and sell your home more quickly.

A lot of homeowners want to save money, and even more homeowners want to find ways to save the environment. Solar panels are a win-win way to ensure your home sells quickly and boosts the value of your home.

Homes with solar panels typically sell 22% more quickly than homes with traditional energy. And with the increased home value, you can pay off your investment when you decide to move into another home.

Solar Me offers several promotions to ensure you get the best quality panels for an incredibly reasonable price. Check out our current promotions here!

5. Tax incentives and rebates for solar energy homes

Every state has various tax incentives and rebates available for people who rely on solar energy. In 2020, New Jersey allows solar energy users to deduct 26% of the cost of their solar energy system from their taxes.

While this is a great way to save, these incentives fluctuate every year. For example in 2021, New Jersey solar energy tax savings will drop from 26% to 21%. So it’s a good idea to invest in solar panels now while tax breaks are at their best.

Solar Me is also offering a Stretch Your Savings promotion for the remainder of May - set up a solar installation plan by May 31st, and we’ll cover your installation payments for the first 8 months.

All in all, investing in solar energy for your home is a pretty smart decision.

Whether you want to save money, save the environment, or a little bit of both, we’re here to help you have all the information you need to make a confident decision in your energy plan.

Request a free quote today!

Written by Megan Carver | May 26, 2020


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