How to Stay Earth Friendly After Quarantine

So as things get back to the “new normal,” how do we continue supporting the planet?

Here's a bright idea - going solar.

Has COVID positively affected the environment?

The Northeast saw a 30% drop in carbon emissions in March alone, and New York City saw a 50% drop according to data from NASA’s Goddard Flight Space Center.

When we hear about the harmful damage that has been done to the planet, and how we have to change immediately in order to save it for future generations, it can feel like an extremely daunting task. However if 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that the actions of individuals can lead to big results.  

How can solar energy help the environment?

Most of the pollution that comes from your home is due to electricity-- it can take a lot of fossil fuels to create electricity and by eliminating that factor, you will dramatically lower your home’s carbon emissions. The average American household produces about 7.5 tons of carbon emissions per year-- that’s the equivalent of 2 cars driving roundtrip to and from Los Angeles to New York City twice.

So, with that in mind, how does solar energy change that? 

Solar saves the planet and your budget

Without relying on fossil fuels to create your home’s electricity you’ll not only have a more eco friendly home without changing your habits, but you’ll also be able to take any excessive energy and sell it back to the grid. 

So as 2020 continues on and we start to go back to our daily routines, it’s best to continue on the path of helping the planet. Definitely continue with the eco friendly practices we’ve been doing-- recycle whenever possible, try to reuse products rather than buying new, and limit far distance travel-- but it’s also time to keep it going.

Written by Mikaela Klimovitz | April 16, 2021


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